CLAYGROUP Shape your mind renewal

CLAYGROUP Shape your mind renewal


A curated guide on how to interact with mud to facilitate shape and form.

Com’n learn your slab n pinch ABC’s in a small group setting so you get bucket loads of attention.

Curated for the honeys that want to get out of their mind and into some MUD. The humans that dance to the beat of their own drum and have have their own clay agenda!


6.5 kgs of clay to shape whatever you please

All MUD and tools included

Glazing and firing of your works included

Bottomless MAYDE naturopathic tea

Small group and one on one tutoring

Dreamy tunes floating through your ear holes


2.5 hour sessions run over 4 weeks

*At MUD we like to keep our nervous systems settled and our process slow. It will take up to ten weeks for your shapes to be ready post course, friends. Good things take time x

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